
Tuesday 4 May 2010

Blimey Gordon

Gordon Brown seems; PR wise, in this past year, to the election run up, to have had the media equivalent of being stripped naked and walloped with planks that have large, protruding rusty nails sticking out of them. All whilst wearing a comedy dunces cap. It's been pretty much wall to wall bad press. He's been pulling faces on youtube. He's (allegedly) walloped staff. He spelt the surname of the mother of a dead soldier wrong. (Incidentally so did the Sun paper that hauled him over the coals for the very thing they ended up doing.) He's trailed behind in these televised debates. And he sounded off against a granny in Rochdale, whilst a Labour party member called him the worst prime minister ever. Not entirely a vote winning strategy. I honestly thought that he couldn't have done worse for himself if his glass eye had accidentally fell out and landed on the "emergency nuclear red button" which then triggered an accidental nuclear strike on Finland. Yes Gordons been hauled over the coals the past year. But then we see this speech given to Citizens UK and you think, where is this inspirational, energised guy who looks like Brown, been brought in from? Not the tired, run down Brown, we usually see, who can barely scrape second place, if polls are to be believed (which they have a shaky record.) It is just so much in contrast to the general portrayal we get of the PM. Shame for them it was 2 days before polling day.

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