
Monday 17 May 2010

Is This For Real?

I found this extraordinary article from Liz Jones yesterday, and I have to ask myself "is she for real", cause if she isn't she's apparently hoodwinked some free cash. Seems Liz has totally cleaned her self out of cash. The articles are full of hubristic self pitying, and an ability to pin the blame on everything but herself. If she is completely broke (and I have doubts she is, and that she even writes this stuff as "straight") it is the result of her ball breaking profligacy (she had a small animals psychic at one point, and a shower tray that was made out of some limestone that was quarried from one special place.). She also appears to have blown loads on bloody designer label bullshit, no sane person needs at all, and on the kind of ludicrously expensive, and pretentious self indulgencies, that crafty salesmen can push to pampered rich people in order to deflate bank balances. (the adjective spiritual will almost certainly be used in the sales pitch.)And her taking on some more injured animals (which is noble at first. But not if you can't afford to keep them.). Which she describes in these unintentionally funny lines, that just seem a bit too Marie Antionetteish to ring quite true.

"Michael needs an operation to remove a cyst on his eyelid. Grace Kelly needs to be spayed now that she is a year old and has had her first period. Dream is still on anti-cellulite medication, and needs a visit from a vet at least once a week, a visit from an equine podiatrist every two weeks. Jess needs her teeth cleaned: she has terrible breath, and could develop an infection if this is not sorted out as soon as she has lost a little more weight. Benji is due his inoculations. The chicken with the strange lump and feather loss has been diagnosed with cancer and requires home visits from Tara the small animal vet (the animals are small; Tara is normal-sized); I won’t take the chicken to the surgery because she becomes too stressed."

The articles are interspersed with the usual blame everyone but herself, and "oh did I tell you my ex was a bastard" stuff, as she bares her very soul for her readers. But what is disturbing is that some of her readers have donated money (one donated a scratch card. Hey it's the thought that counts.), and some of these readers don't seem to be well off. She lists some:

‘Liz, I have a two-bedroom flat in Kennington you’re welcome to share.’ The next read: ‘As we’re pensioners we’d be unable to solve your long-term problem but can send some money towards food and petrol. Patrick and Rita.’

‘I’ve sent £20. Please don’t return it – I wanted to show you not all people are greedy. I’d like you to enjoy a bottle of wine, and battle on! Ann.

‘I can let you have some money for food, and I do not want it back!!! I too have been without food, electric, hope! I’m a 63-year-old widow. I wish I could help more. Maria.’

And: ‘I’ve lost my company, my wife and my children. I get ten calls a day from debt collectors. In January I tried to take my own life. A.’

And: ‘I could do you a food parcel. It would be more Sainsbury’s than Harrods, but you could pick it up as you pass on the M4. David.’

I have £20 to last me until the 24th when I might or might not be paid but you’re welcome to £10. Caroline.’

On Monday, in among the bills, were dozens of letters, mostly addressed to ‘Liz Jones, somewhere on Exmoor’. I opened the first. A £10 note tumbled out. ‘You worry me!’ wrote Carole.

‘Tinned dog food is expensive. Gracie stress wees because she needs more of you! Don’t you dare buy Cava with this!’

There's a few things in there that make me think shes just made these "comments" up herself. I can't see someone sending her money cause she has none herself, not even for food and petrol (by the way how is she going to pick up the hamper on the M4? With no fuel.) and then tell her to buy some plonk. I also have a hard time believing Caroline would donate half a 20 pound allowance that's to last a fortnight - so blase. Tinned dog food is dirt cheap. The tinned dog food Liz buys would clean out an ASDA till person a years wages.

Gracie fucking stress wees!

Now if her money worries are true, that is of course traumatic for her, and if she is suicidal (as she claims) she should seek help (both financially and mentally.). But she only has herself to blame for getting into this mess. She must earn a 6 figure salary (unlike her "benefactors") and should want for little. It should be easy to live within your means. Unlike many in debt she has assets to flog to raise the money her creditors want. Ditch the car, the stupid shower and all the Gucci handbags and other tat, rather than some poor pensioners who may or may not exist.

It's hard to say whether the money problems and the donators are real. If Liz Jones wants to portray herself as a narcissistic knob for the benefit of her readers, that's her concern. I'd like to think that not even Mail on Sunday sub eds would allow Liz Jones to raise money under false pretence. But if I read half of what Nick Davies "Flat Earth News" exposes, you do think to yourself? Would they?

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